Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This and That...

For those who care...
I finally decided with Jonas if He is going to sleep through the night I am going to have to just wean him cold turkey. He would go fine all day but then want to nurse at bed and during bed! Yesterday at 5 AM was the last time I nursed him and can you imagine he didn't starve to death!!! He put up a bit of a fuss at bedtime and 4:30 this morning but he's no worse for the crying. I am spoiling him a bit by letting him in my bed instead of making him cry it out in his own bed but he's been in my bed often enough I'm not concerned about spoiling him for a few days. I figure he can still be near me while I'm breaking him of nursing and I don't have to get out of my warm bed to comfort him every few minutes till he calms down!!! O.K. so it's more about my comfort than his. :)

Update on the crash victim (computer)...
We were unable to retrieve the memory on our own and are planning to take it in to a specialist in Peoria that claims he may also be able to save the hard drive for a mere $450.00. We should have been backing up our computer and put that money to a new computer when it crashed... UGH.

School is going well, Jared is really improving in everything but especially reading which has been the hold up since we started.

Jolene is doing well also. Chad has mentioned several times that she is always talking with her hands! If she knows a sign she will use it if not she will often make one up. She could probably pass for the fastest person to fingerspell her name ever! All day long her fingers are moving... J O L E N E, etc. etc. etc.

Javan says he would be ready to go back to Jamaica if daddy would by the tickets!

Jubilee has become great friends with Jonas. They do a good job playing together while the others are doing school. She talks so sweet... Jonas, you want to play with me? :)

Jesse likes to make jokes alot.

We are all excited to see everybody at Christmas, Plattners and Rileys!

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