Crabs, this was the first time we saw crabs in the wild in action.
This was a real frog we saw and that is Javan's hand for size comparison. We didn't need a save the frogs campaign in Jamaica, Javan jumped when the frog jumped, we didn't have anyone interested in picking it up for us.
Lizards - Javan caught this one. We saw plenty of larger ones all over the place. Kirk and Keri's neighbor girl came over freaking out when she saw one in their apartment. Guess it was good she didn't have our room! I don't know if we had one resident that I saw multiple times or multiple residents. It left us alone and the children weren't usually around when I saw it so we left it alone too.
This is a Sea Urchin! I'm not sure how it works, but it will sting it's supposed enemy. Jesse accidentally stepped on one of these and had a pretty miserable half hour or so; it hurt pretty bad. It doesn't always sting though, Chad found this when he was snorkling and threw it out on the beach at me, I took it over to the towel for all to see. I wonder if it used up it's sting on Jesse or something because neither Chad or I got stung. Maybe it was the difference of Jesse's weight versus us holding it gently. Whatever the case, this is definitely something we have never seen before.
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