Tuesday, November 25, 2008

YS Falls by Javan

On Monday we went out to Montego Bay and on the way stopped at YS Falls.

They had a pool with rocks on the bottom and when I first came up to it I thought it looked shallow although it was pretty deep because it was really clear water and it was pretty shallow where I looked in but it was deep at one place where it was 4 feet deep.

On the way out to YS Falls we stopped by a stand and bought some fruit. Including a pineapple, a watermelon, a mango, a papaya, and some tangerines. I thought the tangerines and the pineapple were pretty good because they were fresh but I didn't really think much of the watermelon it doesn't taste as good over there as it does here in the U.S.

I guess Jolene liked the watermelon.

Some other people came over and so they were using some of the innertubes and so we didn't have enough and while I was eating Jared snuck up and took my innertube and I had to have Jolene take me out to where I wanted to be. Shortly after I got an innertube again.

For a little bit Jesse let me borrow his goggles, I thought it was pretty neat to be able to see where I was going when I was swimming under water.

Uncle Kirk didn't want to get into the water and so he used two innertubes and he took Drew on a ride and then we were trying to get Kirk wet and then we splashed him into the water and then Kirk tried getting all the innertubes but he got pretty worn out after me and Jesse splashing him into the water a few times and then we got all the inner tubes away from him.

They had some little beach chairs there at the pool and Jonas sort of liked them.

Drew has a habit of sucking his thumb and putting his hand on his head and Truitt likes to suck his thumb and put his finger on his belly button.

I just put this picture in because I thought it looked pretty.

Daddy went swimming in the falls and when we went up hiking he went on the rope swing but first he had to get someone from up at the place where we started at to spot him.

There was a video but it wouldn't upload for me.

1 comment:

K and K said...

Nice blog post, Javan! Looks like you all had a wonderful time in Jamaica, I enjoyed all the posts :)


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