Sunday, September 09, 2007
What the flu can do!!!
If I had lots of money I would set up an award for each person to leave a comment with the number of errors found - that would probably get the comments comming!!! Too bad!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Hurrah! We have high-speed
We went to Hinkley with mom, Mark, and Nathan. Our children enjoyed it although Nathan and Jolene got stung so that changed her idea about hiking for the day.
Jared "LOVES" frogs. We have an old cattle tank that is collecting frogs. I plan to do a nature study on frogs come spring (I don't intend to keep these frogs, we will start with eggs). I got a great book called Handbook of Nature Study that is somewhat like a personal encyclopedia. Gives a lot of information about nature and also includes instructions for fieldwork and observation questions. We currently have two wooly bears in a small fish tank that I plan to follow through the upcoming changes.
We went to grandmas as a family with mom and sang for awhile, then we took her outside.
We have been enjoying swimming at a friends house when they are gone. The children are doing very well learning to swim, etc.
We got together at dad and mom Plattner's somewhat as a last hurrah before Cam, and Kirk and Keri and family leave. This is all the children with grandpa and grandma. Drew and Truitt (Kirk and Keri's children) are on grandmas lap, and Drew (dad and mom's foster son is behind moms left shoulder. I think I have all the other children in other pictures.
Truitt and Jonas
Truitt, Jolene, and Shelby (Two peas is a pod!)
On Saturday dad and mom took Clints and our children to the Rocking C stables. They each had a horse and a helper. They were given some beginning instruction and then played a couple games to reinforce what they learned. Red light green light and musical mares. You wouldn't believe they all want horses now!!! Jubilee was upset that she wasn't in on the fun.
Jubilee was all smiles when she did get to sit on the horse at the end.
Here go those peas!
On Friday we went to Michael's fun world. Here is Jubilee, Emily and Drew, all about the same age, on a merry go round.
Here is the play yard. We intended to do go carts but you had to be 10 to dry by yourself and that didn't interest the boys.
Girls on tractor.
Chad Plattners
While in the Quad Cities we went four a tour of the Rock River on the Celebration Belle.
Jesse, for some reason he reminds me of Andy B. with his squint. He sure is growing up!
O.K., those of you who haven't heard. Three weeks ago, a friend of our's son was run over by a cattle trailer. They life-lighted him to the Urgent Care Center in Peoria. That was on Saturday. He had two collapsed lungs, a cracked rib, and some internal injuries. All these things heal themselves in a young child over time. They watched him in intensive care for a little over a week and went home 10 days after the accident. We give God all the glory for his mercy and care on this young boy. We visited him when he got out of Intensive Care. He was glad to have company other than adults and doctors. His siblings did get to see him a couple times in ICU.
These are three of his seven siblings.
View from the rear, watching, family videos in the school room.
Jesse aiming for a shot, a favorite Sunday afternoon activity with daddy.
The Sunday after Jesse's birthday we surprised him with inviting some friends and their families from his Sunday School class. We played kickball and I had a Bible scavenger hunt prepared for him. They also jumped on the trampoline and played cops and robbers. He said he was glad it was a surprise. Only one picture got taken. I am trying to use the camera more so I have pictures to blog with.
Jonas in the bumbo we borrowed from Mark and Andrea
Now for something the Lord impressed upon my heart recently.
James 5:16 says Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
It seems that we tend to joke about our "faults" or even "sin". As I've been struggling to change some habits in my life, I have been praying that God would help me to overcome. For example, I joke about being grumpy when I don't get enough sleep. God has shown me that my circumstances are not an excuse. That doesn't mean it's easy to do what's right, but it does mean I need to strive to be an overcomer. God has even given this promise in James as a help. I have started sharing with my friends and I hope those of you who are my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus will pray for me.
That is all for now, hopefully more next week.