Monday, March 21, 2011

What a beautiful day!

Wow!  What a beautiful day!  I couldn’t wait to be able to go outside.

This afternoon we were all outside working and loving it!  We had so much to accomplish that I didn’t take the camera out and take pictures.

It is satisfying to know the landscaping has been trimmed back and cleaned out, some grass seed has been sown, the gardens are tilled, and we even got some things planted (lettuce, spinach, radishes, and some winter onions; we need to get our potatoes and some regular onions yet, perhaps this weekend).

We had a difficult night.  Jonas woke up a couple times crying quite loudly, which woke Johanna up, which required Chad and I to both be up!  The second time it took Johanna awhile to go back to sleep!  I’m not sure if it was pink eye or just being over tired that woke Jonas up.  His eyes are still swollen and really red today, but he hasn’t complained.  Chad woke up with pink eye, so he stayed home today.

Can’t believe how nice it was, and yet it will likely drop down again!  We will enjoy each warm day as they come!  :)

Good night!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Catchin’ up

I was feeling pretty good about myself, thinking how much I have blogged lately, when I looked back to make sure I didn’t post something twice I realized the last time I posted was about 3 weeks ago, so it’s been longer than it seemed.  Time sure does fly!

So, here is another photo update of some of the sights you may see if you were a fly on our wall!  :)

IMG_0653 I think they were reading blogs.

IMG_0658 Duck?

He did this to himself by the way!





IMG_0675  I think she had a little help.

IMG_0710 Jonas learning Pre-Algebra with Jesse.

IMG_0719 Jolene using Piano Wizard ~ the children really enjoy it and are learning to play the piano at the same time!

IMG_0720 We use an old Oxy Clean container for our dishwasher detergent and they scoop it instead of pour it into the dishwasher.  It helps with keeping a more reasonable amount of detergent.  Here Jared is refilling the container.

IMG_0727 Intent on practicing.


As Jared was trying to push the stroller into the mud the other night I told him ~ “people can say a lot of things about you, but one thing they will not be wrong on is if they say you are ‘all boy'.’  If there is a puddle of water, you will walk through it ~ if there is a hill, you will go over it ~ if there is an alternative way to do something, you will find it!”  Javan piped up that he was all boy too.  I found a recent picture that proved it.  Regular old pushups just weren’t enough, he had to make them more challenging, and challenging it was!  You try it!

IMG_0732 Jolene making mayonnaise. 


IMG_0745 Jonas and Jubilee helped me mop the kitchen / dining room.  I have 2 mops for that purpose.  Having two mops works great, they are learning to mop, we are working together, and it doesn’t slow me down waiting for their turn to be finished!IMG_0747 IMG_0810



A couple weeks ago Chad and the boys took a hunters safety course so the boys can get a license to hunt in the fall.  Here they were getting a little target practice in.  Jesse was using his new semi automatic BB pistol.



IMG_0827 The next three are all the same thing, but I liked them all so I decided to share them all.



This is my favorite.  May have to print this one!  :)

A week ago Friday Jared and Johanna came down with pink eye.  It went through 5 of the children and we thought we were through and the other 2 just got lucky but this morning Jonas woke up with pink eye and unfortunately his is a totally different case!  Perhaps being around it for a week he was building up the germ and it’s attacking with a vengeance!  The others was barely an issue, a little pink with some puss in the AM.  I have cleaned Jonas eyes out at least 3 times in the last hour.  He’s not acting too bad, but I think it is worse than the others.  Praying he didn’t pass it to his cousins last night.

March Birthdays with the Plattners

Saturday afternoon we met with Chad’s family for a couple hours on the River front in Peoria for March birthdays.  There are 3 birthdays but in actuality we only celebrated 1 – Jolene’s.  The others didn’t care to have any attention given to their birthday.

IMG_0749 A picture of Grandma with most of her grandchildren.

IMG_0751 The brothers l-r Kyle, Chad, Clint, and Kirk.

IMG_0760 Grandma reading a story.

IMG_0764 Walking along the river toward the playground at the Riverplex ~ Abrey, Bethany, Daisha, and Keri

IMG_0765 Truitt, Grandma, & Kyle

IMG_0767 Some crazy work of art, playground thing.

IMG_0768 Another crazy work of art!  His name’s Javan!

IMG_0769 Emily ~ top and Chelby

IMG_0774 Tyler probably got tired of the camera pointing at him and Uncle Kyle,

but a still subject is a great subject for a beginner!

IMG_0778 It was a bit windy so the children gathered close to try to keep

the candles from blowing out as Javan was lighting them.


IMG_0787 Abrey

IMG_0795 The little girls weren’t too thrilled about being in the picture.

This is the best one I got.

After this gathering we went to a Rumbold gathering with Mom Plattners family.  We enjoyed the evening visiting with people we don’t get to see very often.  I didn’t take any pictures to share.


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