We hiked today and played in the water at the base of a water fall.
We hadn’t been hiking long when lo and behold I heard “Hi LauraLee!”
Andrew Steiner is a teacher at Heritage School in Rittman and the high school came to hike for the day.
Lynelle and Nelson Stoller are children of our good friends, Scott and Charlene. The home schoolers were invited on this field trip so that is how they were there too – for those who know them and wonder the connection.
I thought this picture was really neat with Lynelle looking through the falls. If I could pose it I would play with the shutter speed but she didn’t even know I was taking the picture, I just saw it and snapped.
Jolene helping with Johanna.
My sweet husband would occasionally relieve me of my load and carry both Jonas AND Johanna! It is amazing how much lighter you feel when you get rid of about 16 pounds! I go from feeling like an old lady slowly climbing the stairs to feeling like a child again hopping down the stairs like I haven’t got a care in the world!!! Also part of that, when I am carrying a baby, I am fearful of stumbling and way more careful than I am when I don’t have an extra load!
I like the main picture here, it would have been great if I had the right shutter speed, but getting it all together when children are involved doesn’t leave much room for error!
Johanna enjoyed putting her little feet in the water! She is at that age that she wants to put EVERYTHING in her mouth so we keep her in our arms nearly all the time if we aren’t by the stroller or pack n play.
Best Friends!
Can’t you just see the fun here?
Lots of Dogs!
Jesse is so helpful with the little ones, often without even being asked!
Johanna slept most of the time at this falls, so I sat with her to keep her asleep.
Notice the people looking down from the top of the falls. Gives you a little sense of scale.
Water – Water – Everywhere was water! A boys best friend? Girls too I guess!
You Da Dad!
Making popcorn!
We have had a very enjoyable time so far. Two days in a row we hiked (or played by the falls) for a good part of the day. We brought along a couple framed backpacks (these ride on their hips not their shoulders) for the children to take turns carrying and we loaded them with lunch and plenty of water. They have been great to have along – I would highly recommend them!
Tomorrow we plan to make shorter trips driving between attractions and hiking in from parking lots instead of from our camp-site. We may also find a putt-putt golf or something similar to treat the children to.
Johanna is finally asleep, so it is time to sign off for tonight!