Wednesday afternoon Javan came downstairs crying and holding his head. My first question was “are you o.k.?” Then “is there blood?” And then “let me see it,” expecting a little bump. What I saw was a HUGE goose egg. NOT what I was expecting.
It probably seems cruel to be taking a picture of him while he still has tears in his eyes, but I was going to do an experiment and wanted a picture for the sake of documenting before and after.
I read in a book about natural home remedies how someone takes a slice of onion, pounds it a bit to soften it and tapes it to the injured area. She said it brings down the swelling and removes the bruising.
I figured it was worth a try, what did we have to lose? Here is a picture of Javan with the onion on his head, I bandaged it so the onion wouldn’t fall out and hopefully help with the smell.
He laid on the couch for several hours reading a book. When he was running around again we took the bandage off. The swelling had gone down considerably with a slight bruise.
I don’t know how long it usually takes a goose egg to go down or how much of a bruise it usually leaves so I don’t know if it helped or not. If you have any experience with goose eggs or bruising I’m interested in what you have to teach me.
This picture was two days later. I forgot to take a close up picture in the busyness of our Thanksgiving festivities.
SO… I’m sure you are wondering how the goose egg came to be anyway. Here’s the story…
We have a hallway by the children’s rooms and Javan found that he can hop down it with his feet together in 6 hops. He wanted to see if he could make it in 5 hops and thought if he took a running start he would have a better chance. He started in his room running and after a hop or two landed wrong, lost his balance and consequently hit the corner of a wall with his head; the wall refused to move thus the goose egg!