Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What's up in the barnyard (by Javan)

While I was out taking pictures of the flood I decided to take some pictures of our animals to post.

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This is Steak, one of the bottle calves Grandpa bought for us, both of them now drink out of a bucket.

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This is my best picture of Hamburger, the other cow from Grandpa, he has a totally black back and white on his legs.

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This is McGuilicutty, Gilly for short, he is the oldest of our calves

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Gilly again.

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And here's Billy.

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And Gilly and Billy together.

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This is Silly Sally Sow, she was bred when we got her and then we had piglets. She is a Large Black that means LARGE!!! She is around belly button height on me. The large black breed does not get sun burn like the white ones and doesn’t need mud as much but we do put out a big tub of water for her in the summer time; another advantage of this breed is that they do very well on pasture. She is quite an adventure to feed in the morning she and her three piglets will grunt and squeal and push you around if you don’t feed them first.

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One of the piglets

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I was having fun taking pictures of her evil looking eye by lifting her ear up otherwise you cannot see it; because of this she will often stick her head way up in the air so she can see you.

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In this picture you get a good look at one of the piglets their names are Sausage, Bacon, and our girl Myrtle. We hope she will be fertile Myrtle. Smile

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Here are our chickens, the rooster we recently got from John Rassi so we can hatch some chicks.

We have some videos that we would like to post but they’re long and we will have to figure out another way to post them.

Thanks Javan

Monday, December 12, 2011

barnyard accident (by Javan)

Monday morning we went out to do chores and found our dirt barn floor flooded with water. Sunday evening the hose was mostly full of frozen water so it only came out in a trickle. The person watering the animals thought he would just leave the water running and by morning the tub would be full (at the rate of a trickle). He didn’t realize that the warmer temperature of the trickle would slowly thaw the frozen water and eventually the water would come at full force!

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This (above) is where our puppies were but Jaime, good mother as she is, moved to a higher spot otherwise they would have drowned.

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And here are our puppies now between some bales.

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Here’s the view from up on top of the bales.

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And on the ground.

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The black tub sitting by the barn is the one somebody was trying to fill.


Tuesday, December 06, 2011


On Monday Jamie had 9 puppies . Monday morning Dad found the puppies in the barn we went out at about 6:00 and they were still wet so we assumed they had been born only a few hours earlier. When they are old enough we will want to get rid of them so please notify us if you would like one or know of someone that would.

Today we made and decorated sugar cookies with Grandma Plattner, Drew, Truitt, and Daisha. Stay tuned for more posts .


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