Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A New Experience

or shall I say a reNewed experience. The Lord blessed me with 8 hours continuous sleep last night! I don't think that has happened in well over a year. Jonas is 10 1/2 months and you know the last few months of pregnancy there is no such thing as continuous 8 hours of sleep! Right Andrea?

I am thankful that Jonas is the first baby to do this to me. Maybe I was taking my rest for granted and needed a difficult year to help me appreciate what others go through that don't have the blessing of big fat babies that sleep through the night from early on. :)

I haven't had time to do much blogging lately, obviously what I have blogged have been very exciting happenings in my life!


Drew said...

It's no small thing to get a full night's sleep. When those moments are rare, you appreciate them so much more. Hopefully, Jonas will now make this routine!

Shari said...

God prompted me to pray for you last night on my way home from Grandma's home.. I'm glad he gave you the blessing of continuous sleep. Love, Mom


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